"STRENGTH does not come from physical capacity.
It comes from an indomitable will. "
~ Gandhi

E-Rod's Angels

E-Rod's Angels

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Saturday, May 29th

Last night was very rough! He woke up at least a million times and was upset because he can't turn on his belly! How I wish the six weeks would be over!!!

He woke up with a much better attitude except for the few minutes of screaming because he didn't want to take his medicine. He ate a little more today, better than he has all week. We watched TV in the living room till it was nap time. During his nap daddy helped Melissa's dad Clyde grill out. We had hamburgers, hot dogs, chicken, corn on the cob, beans, carrot cake, pea salad, pico, and Eddie's famous strawberry pie! It was great to get all together and just enjoy a day of good cooking!

Overall the day was pretty good. Starting to get a little home sick that's for sure! Ryan is Ethan's BFF! Ryan is probably no only person here that is able to play peekaboo with and he actually smiles and gives him hi-5's. It's nice seeing my son smile and laugh even if its for a brief second.

The toughest thing for me is just not knowing what he wants and what he feels! He can scream bloody murder for about 10-15 minutes but all I can do is cry with him because I feel so helpless. I'm sure he feels the same way!

I guess that sums up our day! Keep praying for speedy recovery and for mommy and daddy because God knows we need all the prayer/help we can get!

Good night!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Friday, May 28th

WHAT A DAY!!!!! Ethan was in such a bad mood all day tell of course bed time! Why can't he be happy and loving during the day so that everyone sees the nice and happy boy he truly is? We asked him if he could please wake up in that happy mood and he said "NOPE". We laughed but pray that he does!

We went to the mall walked around headed to lunch where we were rushed out by Ethan's crying. We got back to the Quantum House where Ethan continued to cry and scream and was pissy tell we took a nap. The nap didn't help, he woke up pissy again!!! We went to Wal-Mart and hoped that would make him happy but it didn't. We got back and he was still crying and screaming. We can't blame him it's hard being confined and not being able to do everything you were once doing. We pray that tomorrow will be a better day!!!

Alisa came over and played catch and watch movies with Ethan. She is such a good friend because if I was her I would not even acknowledge Ethan with his attitude! I guess she understands him because she is so kind to him regardless of his mood. He even had tummy time today!!! We pray that Alisa and her family have a safe trip home! Hope to talk to them very soon!!!

Ethan got a lot of mail today. He was so happy to get a package with balloons and bear from Deanna, Divine and Miguel, cards from Dottie, my sister and her kiddos, Grandma, Richard, Joel, Jan, Kim, Cynthia, Rosemary. Mary and Jacque. He loved all the goodies he got. He played with his dinosaurs and even shared his glow in the dark bracelets with Alisa. Thanks to everyone that brought a smile to my son this past few days. I truly appreciate all the love and support!!! See you soon!!!!

I was emotionally worn out today!!! Please continue to pray for mommy and her patience level because some days are just too much!!! Also, pray that my boy is back to himself soon because we miss our happy boy!

Have a good night and a very safe holiday weekend!

Thursday, May 27th

Today, we had a pretty good day. Ethan got up in somewhat of a good mood. He played with Alisa for a little while. Ethan and daddy took a long nap today and gave me some time to talk on the phone and watch a little bit of adult TV. :) After the nap we went to City Place for a nice walk. We walked into a pet store that had nothing but puppies, 7 or so. They were all in cribs and very cute! My favorite was a white/grey puppy that was $1300. I guess, that puppy is not getting adopted. LOL Seeing the puppies made Ethan really happy!!!! He was calling them cute and everything. At that moment my son was back to himself! Ethan and I had some Italian ice cream. He was been doing so good about taking his medicine that I didn't care if that ruined his dinner. He also laughed as we chased the pigeons around the court yard. Overall, we had a pretty good day. Alisa flies out to Moscow on Saturday so she showered Ethan with gifts. She brought over a teddy bear and a necklace that she picked out for him. She is so adorable! We are going to miss her and Olga (mommy). We wish them a very save trip and hope to see them in the future!

We are eager to get home!!! We miss TEXAS and our friends and family!!!!! We are scheduled to fly out on Wednesday!!!!

Good night!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Wednesday, May 26th

Today, Ethan woke up in a very good mode. Lots of hugs and kisses! We drove out to City Place to have lunch! It was nice get out and get some fresh air! Ethan of course is like his mom and loves being out and about! He was having a great time and everyone was giving him attention. However, we did have a few that just stared at him in a rude manner. I can overlook it and it doesn't bother me but I can't say the same for Eddie.

He had a pretty good day. He played catch with Alisa and flirted with Melissa. Got a little fussy but for the most part was in a great mood. We went out for a walk and then came back and watched Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! for the millionth time! LOL

Seriously, I need some adult movies or I'm going to scream!!!!!!!!!!!! I did watch the Grey's season finale last night but I think it took like 5 hours to finish it.

Ethan received a large basket today from Mel and Jill. He loved the teddy bear and balloon that came with it! Thanks girls, we love you and can't wait to see you!
Ethan's up, got to run!!! Please pray for a better night. Good night!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Tuesday, May 25th

Today was full of relaxation. We thought we would wake up have breakfast and then go and see the town but that was not the case. Ethan woke up in a bad mode and not wanting to eat. Liddy was trying her hardest to make him laugh or even say hello to her but he was not having it. I asked him "What's wrong, are you pissy?" he said "NO" I said "Okay, than what are you?" he said "MAD!". Liddy and I just looked at each other and started laughing. Yeah, my boy just told me he was not pissy he was MAD!!! I think it's super cute but alarms me that he knows the difference between pissy and mad. Do you really think he knows what MAD means?

Ethan is a very popular boy! He got mail from grandma, and yesterday he got mail from his Godparents and flowers with balloons from Eddie's work.

Ethan napped tell about 1:30 PM. During Ethan's nap Eddie went out in search of a stroller. We took him for a short walk because it started sprinkling on us so I had to run back to the Quantum House. Then he took another long nap. We had dinner and then went for another walk.

Surely, he is not going to sleep tonight, right? Wrong, he had a very rough night! I think he woke up a million times at least! I hate it when he gets those dang muscle spasms!

The only obstacles of the day were 1) getting him to eat; 2) taking him a sponge bath and washing his hair; 3) getting him to stay up long enough to enjoy a day out on the town and 4) muscle spasms!

It's Liddy's last night and Alisa is flying out on Saturday. :( We sure are going to miss them!

Surely, tomorrow will be better!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Monday, May 24

Once again, the blood sucker (it was only one today) stopped by around 5 am we think because we were too tired to care. Good thing that the blood sucker only wanted to prick his finger!!! Ethan had a very restless night which made for restless night for mommy and daddy. When we get home mommy and daddy are going to need a chiropractor and a massage therapist because we have so many knots and aches all over from fingers to toes!!! Around 8ish, I went to our home away from home Quantum House to take a shower and a long 2 hour nap!! Then I was rudely awaken by Eddie "WHERE ARE YOU?" ETHAN SCREAMING AND CRYING in the back ground. I jump out of bed and ran back to hospital. Good thing was that by the time I made it back he was not as fussy. Ethan was getting his heart checked (sonogram) but you would think they were drawing blood again. At noon, Dr. Kim stopped by and told us that if we wanted, we could go home. His blood work came back good and that if his draining count was low we would be discharged immediately. Guess what, we are going home to the Quantum House. I was so excited, I immediately started to pack all of our belongings. Liddy and Jennifer stopped by today and brought Ethan a gift, a flash light with his name that he loved. Ethan was so happy by mid afternoon it was a 180 from what he had been just hours ago. He was once again acting like our ETHAN happy and smiling and wanting to play. The nurse and Dr. Kim stopped by a little before 3 and started stripping away the IV's and the draining valve! We were one step closer to going home!!!

Ethan was all dressed up and ready to go (putting on chap stick) home to see all his ladies!!! Sorry, Abby but I think Alisa is his new West Palm Beach babe. She is super sweet to him and really enjoys spending time with her . She stopped by to visit and Ethan was so excited to see someone other than doctors and nurses. He showed her his smiley face and Elmo balloon. He also, let her play with his flash light that he thought was really cool. He had a good dinner and then it was time for bed. Everyone at the Quantum house was so excited to see him home!

Before I forget the diapering on a spica cast sucks!! I thought we would be good at it but not has not been the case. He smells like urine and its all my fault! :( I hope to get it perfected very soon. Ethan fell asleep right after his bath. So lets pray for a good night sleep and no more muscle spasms.

Thank you for all the prayers and support we've received in the past few days. We are so fortunate to have such great friends and family who have supported us in this journey. A very special thanks to Jennifer Scott for always being there for me, giving us good notes and consoling emails. Thanks to all the nurses and techs (Suzy G., Sue, Julie and Georgia)that showered Ethan with love during our stay at the hospital. Also, thank you Dr. Paley and staff for making this operation a great success.

God Bless and have a good night.

Sunday, May 23

Today, we woke up at 6 am with vampires knocking at our door. This time it took them two tries but then around noon we get the very disappointing news that the blood clotted so that they required more pricking. Good thing they didn't have to search for a vein on the 3 try. They only pricked his finger which if they knew how much he bleed from just a finger stick they wouldn't have bothered with his rolling veins. You feel so helpless and angry. Good news is that his blood count was good again today, no blood transfusion!! Around 9 am, he started being himself again, playing with his games on my phone, talking to the TV and just laughing at mommy acting goofy. I was so happy to see my baby smile and make funny faces. Around 1 pm dad came back with Curious George Patient stuff animal and an Elmo balloon that Ethan loved!!!

After lunch, Dr. Kim stopped by and told us that everything looked great. She complimented Ethan for being the easiest patient she's worked on. She also put the orders in to have the epidural and catheter removed. Not sure we will be happy about that but that gets us one step closer to freedom/out of the hospital. The physical therapist stopped by encouraging us to take Ethan for a walk but what they didn't know was that my baby wanted to go out regardless. So off we went and took Ethan for a stroll around the hospital. About 10 minutes later we hear on the PA system "ETHAN RODRIGUEZ, PLEASE CALL THE NURSES STATION" we were like did they just call out for Ethan...wow, you must be important. As it turns out it was the Pediatrician that wanted to check his eyes that had been bugging him and to tell us that they were going to order a test because she thought she heard a heart murmur, at that point I just about dropped to my knees. I really don't think I can stand one other thing but as they say "God doesn't give you anything you can't handle" but "GOD, I REALLY CAN'T HANDLE ANOTHER THING!!! PLEASE HAVE MERCY ON ME!" That's all I kept saying and praying for.

We got back to the room from our nice walk and they began to remove the epidural and the catheter. At that point we knew it was going to be a very long night. He started being really fussy and not being the happy baby he had been earlier that day. It was a very long night for all of us. He kept waking up because he was either having muscle spasms or anxiety attacks that the blood suckers were coming back. Regardless, it made for a very long night and we hope tomorrow is a better day!!!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Saturday, May 22

Today, we was woken up at 6:30 am for blood work. Why do you put babies through so much pain? If you don't see or feel the vein move on! Don't poke him and go fishing for it. I really wanted to slap the sh@@ out of her! Ethan is resting but wished he would just wake up! I know rest is good for him but I want him to open his eyes and talk to mommy!!! No fever since last night so really happy about that. Keep praying for our little guy!! He is swollen but it's only going to get worse before it gets better. They say day 3-4 is pretty bad but on the 5 day the swelling will start to go away.

Dr. Kim stopped by today, she illiterated that the surgery was a great success. She told me that his blood count was good (11) only if it gets below an 8 will he need a blood transfusion. Lets pray no transfusion. I don't think my baby can take any more blood work!!!! He is so afraid of the nurses since the rude awakening this morning. He is sleeping pretty much all day. My neck is hurting from laying next to him in a very odd position because he loves to hug on you. Eddie and I are taking turns but no complains here we love him hugging on us. He also loves to play/pull on my hair. I've never been too crazy about that but whatever makes my baby happy.

The physical therapists stopped by today and wanted him to go on a wagon ride. He was so scared of them probably thought they were going to do blood work! We tried to explain that they were not there to stick him but he didn't care he wanted nothing to do with them. We managed to get him in the wagon and went for a quick ride.

On our way out we ran into Erin and her parents. She looked really good but was not the cheerful little girl from yesterday. She has a fixator to straighten the tibia. Her parents feel our pain. We gave each other a big sympathetic hug. I think we both needed it. Keep little Erin and her family in your prayers. That she doesn't get any pin infections and that she has a very speedy recovery!

Eddie has volunteered to stay with Ethan tonight so I can get some rest but not sure if I'll be able to. I'm suppose to be resting now and I'm updating his blog. I just can't sleep if he is not in the same room.

Georgia the day tech and the Suzy the nurse have been really sweet! Wish we have the same luck tomorrow.

Well going to try to get a little shut eye before walking back to the hospital.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Friday, May 21 (surgery day)

We are in pre-op waiting...it's 9:13 and we got here at 8 am. Ethan has been doing great. He has not asked for his milk once. We'll let you know when it's our turn. It was such a trooper the best kid in the pre-op everyone was wanting him as a patient. Never once cried or complained about waiting.

It's 10 tell one and we are still waiting. He had his happy juice but still going. Hopefully, it won't be much longer. It's 1:30 and he has been taken back to the operating room. Eddie walked him back he said he fought the sleeping gas but was fine when Eddie walked out. Lord please keep him safe!!!

One hour down and nothing yet. Three hours down. A little anxious that's an understatement that's for sure! It's 5:30 and we are still waiting. Wished they would give us a status update!!! Eddie just went back to see if he could get an update! Hope he doesn't cause too much trouble. It's 6:00 pm, Dr. Paley just came out to tell us that the surgery went well. Hip has been secured with 6 screws, bump was removed and 2 ligaments got added to his knee. We have about another hour before we can see him. He is getting x-rays, incision closed and then casted! Praise the Lord no fixator. He will have a spica cast for 6 weeks but better than cleaning pins. He also said he didn't lose too much blood but won't know for sure if he needs a blood transfusion tell in a couple of days. It's 8 pm and they just rolled him through the waiting area. He is still out and has crazy hair! Want to see him asap! It's 9:30 and we are finally united again!!! We are so happy to be with our boy. It was a very long stressful day but it's almost over. He is doing so good. He is such a trooper! At 11 pm he started asking for his juice. He downed almost two 16oz gatorade's. He fell asleep and I noticed he looked really red. The nurse checked his temperature and it was 101 degrees. We gave him Tylenol and will check in on him within the hour. It's 1:30 am and his temperature is down to 98 degrees!

I can't even begin to tell you how stressful it was today. The sitting around waiting for someone to assure you that your baby is okay is beyond believe. Don't get me wrong I had all the faith in the world that the surgery would be a success but it's still hard not knowing any thing. The nurses today have been super sweet. Lynn is taking good care of our little guy tonight. Julie is the tech has also been super! How I pray for a better day tomorrow!

During our waiting period we had the pleasure to meet Erin. A little girl from San Fransisco who had tibia surgery. She was born with a broken tibia that started growing at a 90 degree angle (bump). They met with Dr. Paley for the first time on Tuesday and didn't waist any time scheduling her surgery. During the long wait Erin was so happy and excited about her surgery. After her happy juice she let her nurse and everyone know that she was getting dizzy! It was super cute to see a child so strong! Keep Erin and her family in your prayers!

I forgot to mention, Ethan was not phased by the blood pressure machine it's like he had been doing it for years! He just extended his arm for the nurse to take his blood pressure. It was pretty darn cute.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Thursday, May 20

Today, we went to South Beach! Ethan was enjoying getting all the attention as we walked down Ocean Drive searching for a lunch spot. All the guys were envious of his wagon. At some point a guy asked him for a ride.

While waiting for our food Ethan took Eddie's sunglasses, put them on and begin to dance to the music playing in the background! It was the cutest thing, yeah, he takes after his mom. He loves to dance and people watching. After lunch we made our way to the beach. We thought Ethan was going to love the ocean, being in the water and even playing with the sand but that was not the case. He didn't like the feeling of the sand on his toes and the water well he was not going to touch it if he could help it. It was too funny. I think we spent longer walking to the beach than playing on the beach. LOL. We made our way down Ocean Drive to a park that Ethan spotted immediately! He loved the swing and if it was up to him would never get off of it. Eddie and I took turns pushing him on the swing until we noticed that he was dozing off so that was our cue to go. Ethan pitched a fit when we got him off the swing so I told him a little white lie. "Ethan, we are going to the other park with swings...that's up the street, look it's over in that direction" he believed me. I know, that's not right but that got him to stop screaming. Parents do whatever it takes, right. We made it back to West Palm Beach by 3:30. We sat around had dinner and then went out for ice cream. I met Ryan today, he is the teenage boy that had surgery on Monday. He came to see Dr. Paley when he was 11 yrs old for an abnormal hip. He explained to me that his hip was shaped like a saddle but that Dr. Paley reshaped his hip and now at age 18 he is back to get lengthening. He has about 3 cm discrepancy that he is going to correct with the lengthening procedure. He has an internal fixator and uses a magnetic device to turn the pins. He said definitely the pain was more manageable than the external fixator. He was super nice, with all the yes'am and so forth made me feel like an old women. LOL

It was time to get some rest so we headed back to our room. Ethan had fun playing in his bath and jumping on the bed tell it was time to call it a night.

We got a call from Dr. Paley's office to tell us to arrive in admissions at 8:00 am (7am central time). I pray that he is the first surgery and that we don't wait too long if he is not. However, I talked to Jennifer and she said not to hold our breaths. She also told me to be prepared to go 10 hours without seeing Ethan tomorrow. I can't imagine but pray those hours fly. I'm probably going to be a nervous wreck the entire time. We all fought going to bed tonight. Ethan jumped on his bed and watched his movie before calling it a night. I fell asleep with Ethan for about an hour then I woke up. Not only woke up but now I'm wide away. AWWWWW Well it's time for bed, talk to you guys tomorrow. Don't forget to PRAY for Ethan and Dr. Paley and his staff! Thanks everyone for all the text messages and voicemails!!!! I really appreciate all the support!
Good night.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Wednesday, May 19th

Today, was a day of playing and a little relaxation. We woke up at 7:30am thinking it was 10:30 and man was I totally disappointed when Eddie said it's only 7:30! We got up, had breakfast and played in the game room for awhile. We took Ethan for a ride in the wagon that the Scott's kindly left us behind. Of course, he is wearing his favorite fisherman's hat that auntie Kim gave him for his birthday. (The pictures were taken in front of St. Mary's Hospital.)

Eddie and Ethan had to have their picture taken in front of the big tree. I think it's the same tree that Charlie, Abby's brother, got in trouble, by security, for climbing up on it but not 100 percent sure. We also spotted what I hope is a mango tree. I hope I get to enjoy it in a few days. We went back to the Quantum House and Ethan played with Alisa. I met the family from Haiti who lost their 2 kids during the earthquake. The only surviving son is at St. Mary's Hospital having some type of foot surgery. We also met Melissa and her mom from Maryland. She consulted with Dr. Paley in Baltimore weeks before he decided to move to West Palm Beach and of course they followed him here. Her and her mother are very charming ladies. We talked a good while about her experience so far with Dr. Paley, all of which is very positive. Also, I saw our neighbor McKenzie (another PFFDer has a lengthening fixator) have a break down. She was needing to have her pins cleaned and didn't want to because she has an infection and at that point the procedure is very painful. She cried and told her mom how all she needed was a hug, of course, I lost it. I was in tears before long and when I went to my room I cried while Ethan dozed off into his nap. I know, I'm suppose to be strong but how can I when I see kids in pain. The night ended pretty good we had dinner that the volunteers kindly prepared for us and then off we went to play some more. Ethan spent about an hour in Alisa's room today, playing house, cars, catch and watching the Wiggels. It's so good to see him so happy and active because I know in a couple of days that will all change. He was none stop today! The pictures below are of Ethan wearing the puzzle box as his hat (I tip my hat off to you daddy...). LOL
Tomorrow, we are making our way to Miami for some South Beach time before the big day. Hopefully, we will get a call from Dr. Paley office letting us know what time his surgery will be on Friday. I'll keep you updated. Thanks again for all the prayers and support!!! Good night everyone!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tuesday, May 18th

Today we started super early! Checked out of the hotel room at 6 am! You know that was super early for me! I was up by 5 am and let me tell you I was not happy! We had breakfast then made our way to Pre-Op. That appointment went very well! Natalie did a great job with Ethan despite the blood work! He asked to sit on her lap and play with her computer. Then we made our way to x-ray's around 10:00 am. That also went by really well!

He had x-ray's and were done in less than 30 minutes. Our next stop was anesthesia, were we met Dr. Rubio (I hope I got his name right) to discuss epidural and anesthesia. I pray he will be Ethan anesthesiologist on Friday. He is from El Paso, very sweet and has a lil girl Ethan's age. Nothing better than a Texan to care for our boy!

We made our way to the Quantum House to check-in. Were we met Collette, Lisa and Ruby and then Collette showed us to our room! When we walked in, we found a wonderful surprise from Abby and Jennifer. A wagon full of diapers, wipes, snacks and let us not forget about the Miami/Colts football! Anyone that knows me knows I love the Colts and Eddie of course loves the Dolphins!!! The best of both worlds for Eddie of course because he is also a huge Colts fan. Thank you so much to our lil Abby and the Scott family! We also had the pleasure to meed Alisa. She is 4 yrs old and Ethan was having a great time playing catch with her.

Our next and most painful stop was MRI procedure. We arrived at noon of course early arrival thinking early departure....wrong!!! Let's see, Ethan had the IV put in around 12:30. He cried but that didn't last long before I knew it he was OUT! He slept for hours, 5 to be exact. One hour sedated for the MRI the others probably exhausted from waking up at 6 am. Waiting to have the MRI done was by far the longest and most painful thing of the day! Not only was it 20 degrees in the room (okay maybe not 20 but after a while my toes were numb and let me add Eddie was freezing too. So you know I was beyond freezing). After about a three and a half hour wait they took us back. Ethan at this point woke up and giving his Maria look to everyone! LOL They took him in and started injecting the sedation and within seconds he was out!!! Eddie asked if we could take some of that milky formula home for the days when Ethan was pissy! The Nurse Practitioner laughed but the funny part was Eddie was serious. LOL The MRI from that point went smoothly. We were done within the hour and off to recovery we went! He was up and eating in about 15 minutes! At 5:30 we made our way to meet with Dr. Paley.

Dr. Paley came in and went over his MRI and X-ray's with us. He told us Ethan would be have Super Hip surgery, possibly knee surgery but would know more the day of the surgery. Most PFFDers have no ACL and therefore would have to correct that problem. He also, showed us Ethan's BUMP. The 90 degree angle that some PFFDers have. It was kind of freaky to see it on screen. Dr. Paley also told us that Ethan would more than likely be in a spica cast. GOD do we hope so. A fixator would be much more of a hassle. We also met Servando who went over some surgery instructions and risks. Of course, during that time I listed but put didn't worry about it or freaked out. Believe me the risks are very scarey but we know Ethan's surgery is going to be a successful one and don't even need to bother with that information.

Finally the appointments were over and off we went to catch a bite to eat. It was 8:30 PM before we got food. After linner we headed back to the Quantum house were we talked to Liddy for a bit. Ethan took a much needed bath and now sleeping with daddy. It's time to sign off. Thanks again for all the prayers and we love you guys!!!

Playing in Dr. Paley's waiting room

Getting ready to have picture taken by Servando.

As you can tell Ethan did great despite not having anything to eat for over 12 hours.

Monday, May 17

Today, was a very long day! We headed out for the airport and arrived at DFW around 12 pm. Our flight was on time at 1:50 pm and we stared to board. Ethan did very good if we had arrived to Ft. Lauderdale when we were scheduled but that was not the case at all. We were stuck, circling around the airport, for about an hour. Then the pilot came on to the announce to us that due to thunder storms in Ft. Lauderdale we were going to be diverted to Ft. Myers to wait out the storms and of course refuel. That added about another 3 hours to our flight. By this time Ethan wanted off or in his words "DOWN MOMMY DOWN GO GO"!!! My poor baby cried himself to sleep after about 10 minutes of pure pissiness. We finally arrived at Ft. Lauderdale at 8:30 pm. That was the longest flight to Florida, that's for sure. Then to add to the long exhausting day, we were not able to get to West Palm Beach in time to check-in to the Quantum House. At this point, we just wanted to scream!!! We stopped at Checker's for some burgers and let me just tell you we've had better. We drove around tell we found a hotel and by that time it was 11 pm. We were so happy to get to a stopping point and to find a bed to rest on. So, as you can see our Monday was very exhausting.

I wanted to share with you a few scriptures that I keep in mind and have given me the strength and faith:
God already knew you were going on the trip. Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart...you never know who is watching...so continue to let your light shine and continue to watch God work it out. He's already prayed for you. Jeremiah 1:5

Simon, Simon, behold Satan has demanded permission to sift you like a wheat; but I have prayed for you, that your faith may not fail; and your strengthen your brothers. Luke 22:32

Thanks buddy! Those scriptures gave me peace!!!

Visit with Abby, Michelle and Aubrey

Saturday, May 15th we went to visit Abby. It was so nice to see her and to see her in a very happy mood! She kept calling Eddie daddy which was super cute! Michelle was not happy about all the kisses between Abby and Ethan. Below you will see a picture of Michelle and Ethan where Ethan is giving her a kiss but not a very wanted kiss my Michelle. It was amazing, Ethan did not even fuss about Eddie holding Abby usually he would be having a fit and saying "MY DADDY". I think he knew she needed lots of love! Abby did not appear to be in pain what so every a little uncomfortable but not in pain. She was so happy to see everyone and of course we were all happy to see her. Natalie, Grandma, Aubrey and big Ethan drove in from Paris, Texas to visit as well and they brought Ethan a very cute turtle hat!!! As always it was a joy hanging out with our PFFDers. Can't wait to get back into Dallas and hangout that's for sure.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Surgery Rescheduled

The past few weeks have been something else. We just got a call a few days ago that we need to reschedule Ethan's operation date. So now it's been moved back 2 days to May 21st. Dr. Paley was kind enough to explain what happened and assured us that we don't need to rebook our flights or anything. I just figured now that we will be there a week before surgery, it will be a small vacation for us. Not much of one cause we have to keep Ethan isolated from people cause if he gets sick, then they will cancel his surgery and go through this again at another time. But at least we can go to the beach.