"STRENGTH does not come from physical capacity.
It comes from an indomitable will. "
~ Gandhi

E-Rod's Angels

E-Rod's Angels

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Tuesday, June 1st

Today, was much better day for all of us! Ethan woke-up to kisses and hugs for both mommy and daddy and ready to play! I think that's a good sign of recovery! He was happy for the most part! We went to lunch and he was all smiles! For the first time we were able to sit down and have a good lunch. I think our baby might be back!!! We are so happy!!! On our way to our appointment Eddie told me to be prepared for the worst. Be strong and don't let him get to you! Yeah, easy for him to say!!!!

No tears/screams tell we met with Tony. Tony was making his cast removable and he was not liking the idea! But after a few minutes he just laid back and relaxed! Of course mommy had to sit right next to him so he can hold on to my hair. Not sure what his fascination is with my hair but if it makes him happy he can have at it!!!! Tony re-padded his cast and put some cool straps to secure it in place.

What was running through our heads when the cast was removed? Well, I was sick at my stomach thinking the worst but to our relieve it wasn't that bad! It appeared to be healing pretty good. We headed up for X-rays and had our first try at removing the cast and diapering. It wasn't bad but still makes us a little nervous.

We head back to Dr. Paley's office and ready for his evaluation. Of course, praying that all looked well and we can go home. Dr. Paley said he looked good seemed to be healing properly. He started moving his leg around which caused me to feel a sense of panic. Ethan was letting it be known that he was not happy with all the movement but Dr. Paley assured us that movement was good for healing. He had some blistering but Dr. Paley assured us that it would heal soon. The most important news news was that Ethan had gained 24 mm with the surgery!!!!! Pre-surgery Ethan's femur was 98 mm and post-surgery it was 122 mm.

What's the plan after today? In 4-5 weeks we will have X-rays done in Dallas and hope that they do it right so we wont have to fly back! If everything looks good at 6 weeks our next appointment will be in 3 months. Ethan can start physical therapy after 6 weeks but only to bend and move the hip no walking. When Dr. Paley receives the X-rays and confirms that it's healing correctly then and only then will the cast come off.

Tomorrow, we go home and are so excited but yet sadden that we have to say goodbye to all the families that we have befriended. The Quantum House has been our home away from home!!! Thanks to all the staff for being so nice and making sure we were comfortable. MJ, Roby, Lisa and Collette you are the best!!! Ryan, Melissa, Liddy, Alisa and McKin thank you for trying to put a smile on my babies face. We will miss you guys!!! We pray that you have a speedy recovery and that soon you will go home too.

Dallas here we come, I hope you are ready for us!!! Good night!!!

The pictures below might be a little upsetting so if you don't want to see them don't scroll down!

The circle you see is his knee cap. It's much smaller than his good knee cap. He had superhip and knee surgery. Will probably need tibia surgery because its turned in-ward but we wont worry with that for now.

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