The finish line is so close that we are super eager to go home. When we decided we would go forth with this adventure we never imagined what the end would feel like. As the months have gone by there has been some good and some hard times but seeing what we've gained makes it all worth it. Ethan is making great bone. The Doctor said we've gained 6.5 cm out of the 8 we are going for (X-ray shows 74 mm but you deduct 10 percent for magnification). He said we have 2 more weeks of turning and hopefully we will reach our goal and get to go home. Ethan is not wearing a lift and from the looks we are even but we have to go with what the doctor tells us. :(
As far as PT goes its harder. I don't know if it's due to recent surgery or just that his body has had enough but it's like the first 2 weeks of PT and pin cleaning. To my surprise the new pin sites (3) are super healed nothing like the initial surgery. He was back in water therapy within a weeks time. Today, after PT and as we are walking out Ethan tells me "Mommy I'm sick of you!". I have to admit I smirked and ask him to repeat it again. I told him if you are sick of me you don't want to know how I feel! It's been super tough two weeks. He refuses to do therapy and cries for his daddy and grandma non-stop! How I envy daddy right now!!! He is such a nice guy and probably put on the highest pedestal! While I'm the bad guy torturing him on a daily bases. It hurts and I get frustrated but somebody has to do the dirty work! Don't get me wrong we do have great moments when he tells me "Mommy I LOVE YOU" or "I love you cutie pie!!". Those moment I hold near my heart and those moments erase the nasty stabbing comments.
This week I've started to push him a little more. He has not used his wheelchair and I started working with him to gain courage and stability without the walker. Let's just say the first day was super challenging! I'm sure the neighbors were near calling security. He is having such a hard time bending the knee. He is super tight and super scared. Ms. Emily and Yvette said the tightness is due to both the surgery and the length we've gained so t's all normal!!!
The class of 2012 is slowly finishing and going home. Lily has been gone of about 3-4 weeks. Claire left this week and Eyal might be going soon. Abby is still turning 2 times a day to help with foot pain and tightness. Abby and Lily are still having foot pain. Abby and Lily are not sleeping at night. Please pray for them.
Please pray that PT gets easier because ever since our last surgery (2 wks ago) it's been a bit challenging. Please pray for mommy because I've also had some challenging moments!
Hang in there! You're almost done! so close! We're about halfway done with our daughter's lengthening so I know how you're feeling. Good luck with PT.