"STRENGTH does not come from physical capacity.
It comes from an indomitable will. "
~ Gandhi

E-Rod's Angels

E-Rod's Angels

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Day After

It started at 5 AM when the vampires arrived. As you recall in my superhip updates I named the nurses (drawing blood) vampires. One, because they came before the sunrise and two, because the multiple pricks. He was pricked 7 times before they could find a vein. You think that wouldn't be an issue but 7 times is just ridiculous! Ethan complained about pain for the majority of the day. Before lunch time the PT nurses came by to get Ethan out of bed. They sat him up and put him in wheelchair to take him to playroom and that was super tough.  He cried it hurt and to take the fixator off.  Once settled in the play room he was fine.  He sat and played for 2-3 hours.   We played with the train set, cooked in the play kitchen, played matching games, read a few books and played Operation Silly Game. He loved Operation as much as I did growing up. Sophia was already in the play room when we arrived. She was happy playing the same games. On our way to the room we stopped by to visit Abby girl. She was as happy as the day before. She named her fixator "Princess Girl" and she is going to pretend it's pink. Wished Ethan was on that same happy juice she is on! Maybe we can bottle it and share with the rest of the Fatastic Four because her thee partners are not as happy about the fixator as she is. The nurses brought him to his room and moved him back to his bed. He cried that it hurt as they put him back in bed.  He is not eating much  but is drinking for the both of us. Around 5ish he got to feeling better even allowed me to flex his foot with zero fuss. He has been sleeping since 6ish and its now 9:30. I've seen Lily and she is also not happy about the situation. Hope all the kids have a better day tomorrow. Please pray that tomorrow they only prick him once and PT is not horrible for all the kids! Thanks for the prayers and good night!

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