A way overdue update on Ethan's progress!!!! I'm sorry, I've just been super busy and I'm afraid that things are not going to let up anytime soon.
He has been doing really good with this walking and everyday his leg gets stronger. Again, we are amazed how he quickly recovered from the superhip and knee surgery!! He still doesn't like for us to touch his leg but he is kicking, putting pressure and making every effort to walk on his own. He tells me "Ean Walk" I love to hear him talk in third person, it's super cute!! The physical therapist has been MIA for the most part but hopefully now that her vacation is over she can concentrate on Ethan. Our goal is to have him walking by the end of the month. If that doesn't happen she will increase his therapy. I think Ethan self motivated attitude will be his best therapy. We are scheduled to go to Florida in November for a follow-up visit. Praying that he gets a good report card and that we don't need to see Dr. Paley tell 6 months time. Abby will be in Florida at the same time so we are ready for some fun in the sun!
Last week, Ethan went to his first baseball game this season and let me tell you our lil guy is such a sports fanatic! He rooted for the Rangers (despite wearing the NY jersey) and joined the crowed in clapping. He watched the entire game and didn't complain once even despite the scorching 108 degrees!! We had a blast and loved to see him so happy!!! His happy spirit got him lots of attention or maybe it's his ability to flirt! Regardless, he is a ladies man that's for sure!
Emily had surgery last week and she is doing great. Mommy and daddy are over it and wished it would all be over soon. Kate is a nurse and I think that in itself is an advantage to them. Please keep them in your prayers. I sure don't miss those days at all!
Abby is doing great in her walking. She is not letting anything hold her back! She will soon get her new helper leg and we can't wait to see it! Wish us luck because they fight the idea every time!